Delivery Options

Automatic Credit Card Payment Plan Prepaid Contract Pricing
If you choose not to utilize any of these programs, please note that your payment is expected in full within 10 days of a propane delivery and delinquent after 30 days at which time your gas service may be shut-off without notice and you will be responsible for any and all collection charges. If you find yourself in need of assistance with paying your bill, several local and state agencies offer help with energy assistance. You need to contact our office before the 30 days is up and we can direct you to these agencies or we may be able to make other acceptable payment arrangements.
Being a locally owned and operated business means that we are doing business with our friends and family in the community We appreciate all our customers and want to serve you to the best of our ability and hope that everyone understands from a business standpoint why we must be able to collect payments in a timely fashion. Thank you for your business and your patronage! If you have any questions regarding our credit policy or your account please contact our office. Thank you and God Bless
We are often asked." When is my Bill due?" The answer has always been."Due within 10 days and delinquent after 30 days of delivery". When a delivery of propane is made, your first "bill" is left in the form of a delivery ticket. The delivery ticket is left on a door of the home or in the dome of the tank in yellow envelope that can be used to send your payment by mail to our office. It is the customer's responsibility to make the payment within 10 days of the delivery. Any deliveries that are not paid within 30 days are considered delinquent and are subject to any or all of the following charges/ penalties:

These charges can add up fast! The shut-off out of gas and or reconnection fees alone can add up too $100.00. In the past, we have been able to overlook customers that paid slow, knowing that most of them would pay their balances before they needed more gas. Now due to the higher cost of operation and a larger customer base, the"pay before I get more gas" approach is costing our company too much money. We will no longer overlook this aspect of our business as, we simply cannot afford to. We do understand that many of our customers live on a tight budget or fixed income, so we offer you the following programs for you them to utilize so that we all can benefit from timely payments.